Wednesday, October 26, 2016

BLOG: Modeling Reality With Virtual Worlds

    Virtual worlds can be used for various different reasons. The popularity continues to grow as media's migration to the online world grows. Virtual worlds provide its user with an outline profile that can be used for various fields such as fashion according to "No Budget, No Boundaries: It's the Real You" by Ruth La Ferla. The virtual world she describes in depth is in terms of creation in the entrainment and fashion world. She speaks about what she calls, "The grandaddy avatar-driven social networking sites, Ms. Rayna, an avatar on Second Life" which provides its members with a fantasy world which intertwines fashion and entertainment worlds. These avatars are allowed to wear what they want when they want, "to shop at boutiques, leaf through fashion magazines, or attend runway shows." Money also becomes an important to virtual worlds because while most memberships to these websites are free, every company has to make money and Ruth La Ferla states these virtual "players trade real money for virtual currencies, used to buy products, save up in an account or eventually redeem for real money." These virtual worlds facilitate creativity with its ability to implement a world where members can display their creative abilities. 
     According to "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get A Reboot?" by Diane Mehta, the virtual worlds are growing on a larger scale. This article discusses the business aspect of virtual worlds and the advances. These advances include, "You can use virtual worlds in education, in delivery services, or as an advanced form of telehealthcare that offers so much more than videoconferencing. Virtual worlds can give us social connectivity, built-in support groups, and ways to avoid ever being alone again."
    In the future, virtual worlds will continue to grow and take over the internet. Online media will contimue to  excel.

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