File sharing has become a huge part of new media because file sharing is the practice of distribution or providing access to digital media. Digital media is a prime element of new media in today's society because every aspect of life is now taken care of online. Online media has taken over the world in terms of not only functioning, but in terms of media as well.
The blog post, "Content producers should take advantage of P2P, not fear it" by the NMA Staff, discusses their own file sharing documentary, Steal the Documentary- Part One in which they asked a question about P2P. P2P is peer-to-peer distribution. They were certain of using BitTorrent to distribute their film, but asked, "could P2P itself create the attention needed to bring big audiences to our message?" The answer was a huge yes because a P2P, site, The Pirate Bay has millions of daily users and was the original place of huge interest in Steal This Film.
The blog post continues, "The next part of Steal This Film is released this month and distributed, again free, through the major BitTorrent trackers." The fact that the use of media has the extreme perk of being free to use or view will continue to strengthen its reign on society. There is also information in terms of the blog's benefit to not asking for money and they say that to them the largest benefit is being at the forefront at the extension and exploration of the new age of media, digital media. The P2P file sharing is one of these extensions and explorations of digital media.
The blog post also says, "what kinds of social change can be precipitated by communicating this way. In our view the changes wrought by networked peer distribution are historical on the scale of the printing press." The comparison between the printing press furthers what I mentioned about the new age of media being primarily found online. The new media of digital and online media is historical in terms of its impact on society.
The examples of P2P file sharing include the mentioning of current important websites in this world, BitTorrent and The Pirate Bay which are essential to the distributions to torrents and online media to society.
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