Wednesday, November 16, 2016

BLOG: Privacy

     Privacy and confidentiality are products of new media but this affects the user the most by what he or she chooses to upload. The social media will not see what you do not upload and if you don't want this particular thing online then don't upload it. Privacy is undoubtedly an essential part of being because everyone is entitled to privacy. If one doesn't want to share every aspect of his or her life then that is absolutely his or her prerogative.
     New media cannot tarnish one's privacy if  he or she doesn't share something meant to be private. Private also means different things to different people and new media can show that. People who do not have any social media accounts may be very private which is why they make the choice to keep their lives to themselves and those around them directly. Others may share too much online such as what they are eating for breakfast, lunch, dinner and midnight snacks. There are very very private and those who are excessive with their sharing and uploading.
  Confidentiality is similar in terms of a person's choice because confidential lends a hand to the concept of trust. One who uploads a lot of content to their social media accounts may trust that their confidentiality won't be compromised. But this isn't necessarily a smart choice because one cannot ever trust the internet. Once uploaded you are subjected to every emotion on the spectrum from those who are viewing it.
  Another important factor of one's privacy is the passwords for every account. "Survey reveals generation gap in attitudes about security and privacy" by Tony Bradley reveals that, "More than 40 percent of both Gen-X and Millenial respondents indicated that they never change their passwords, or only change their passwords when forced to." This news is astounding because security breaches have been all the rage within new media. New media is all about overzealous sharing and sometimes both privacy and confidentiality are compromised.

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